Dan The Bourbon Man

— VIP Bourbon Alerts

The Allocated Bourbon Season is coming up!  Make sure you're in the know on bourbon drops in your area with our VIP Bourbon Alert Membership!

Find Bourbon for MSRP

or close to it!

All you see nowadays are bourbons being sold at inflated prices.  But good deals do exist.  Our bourbon alerts will help you find them.


How does it work?  

Luckily, the bourbon community is fantastic. When community members are out there hunting bourbon, they report their finds into the Dan The Bourbon Man website.  

When a find is reported, VIP's who requested alerts in that area get those reports in real time.



Got the alert on Weller and bought some! Thank you!


Thanks for the intel @danthebourbonman!


Thank you @danthebourbonman VIP Alert!!!


Was $60/annual
exclusive pricing ends soon